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Frank Ramirez

Frank Ramirez is a native of Southern California and is the senior pastor of the Union Center Church of the Brethren near Nappanee, Indiana. Frank has served congregations in Los Angeles, California; Elkhart, Indiana; and Everett, Pennsylvania. He and his wife Jennie share three adult children, all married, and three grandchildren. He enjoys writing, reading, exercise, and theater.
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Emphasis Preaching Journal

Darkness To Light -- Isaiah 9:1-4, 1 Corinthians 1:10-18, Matthew 4:12-23 -- Frank Ramirez -- Epiphany 3 | Ordinary Time 3 - A -- 2017
In the season of Epiphany, Jesus is revealed. It’s more than just a question of seeing Jesus.
Landmarks -- Genesis 18:1-15 (21:1-7), Romans 5:1-8, Matthew 9:35--10:8 (9-23) -- Frank Ramirez -- Proper 6 | Ordinary Time 11 - A -- 2017
Our lives are filled with a combination of physical, emotional, and spiritual landmarks.
Turning The Tables -- Genesis 29:15-28, Romans 8:26-39, Matthew 13:31-33, 44-52 -- Frank Ramirez -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - A -- 2017
Turning the tables is an effective storytelling device in both comedy and tragedy.
A season not a reason -- Ecclesiastes 3:1-13, Revelation 21:1-6a, Matthew 25:31-46 -- Frank Ramirez -- New Year's Day - A, New Year's Day - B, New Year's Day - C -- 2016-17
These three scriptures together point to the reality of the world we live in.
A January Pentecost -- Isaiah 43:1-7, Acts 8:14-17, Luke 3:15-17, 21-22, Psalm 29 -- Frank Ramirez -- The Baptism of our Lord | Epiphany 1 | Ordinary Time 1 - C -- 2016
I’m not sure I want to steal any thunder from your preaching for Pentecost later this year, but it d
What's it take? -- Deuteronomy 26:1-11, Luke 4:1-13 -- Frank Ramirez -- First Sunday in Lent - C -- 2016
As we begin the season of Lent we might ask “What’s it take?” What does it take for us to navigate t
Your move -- Genesis 15:1-12 (17-18), Philippians 3:17--4:1, Luke 13:31-35 -- Frank Ramirez -- Second Sunday in Lent - C -- 2016
Have you ever set across from someone during a game -- chess, checkers, or a board game -- and waite
Are you there? -- Isaiah 50:4-9a, Philippians 2:5-11, Luke 22:14--23:56 -- Frank Ramirez -- Passion Sunday - C -- 2016
Isaiah 50:4-9a
I know you! -- Acts 9:36-43, Revelation 7:9-17, John 10:22-30 -- Frank Ramirez -- Fourth Sunday of Easter - C -- 2016
To know and to be known are important to our well-being.
The power of words and the Word -- Acts 11:1-18, Revelation 21:1-6, John 13:31-35 -- Frank Ramirez -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C -- 2016
The power of God’s word, spoken and written, is emphasized in several places in scripture.
Whoooosh! -- Acts 2:1-21, Romans 8:14-17, John 14:8-17 (25-27) -- Frank Ramirez -- Day of Pentecost - C -- 2016
No turning back! -- 2 Kings 2:1-2, 6-14, Galatians 5:1, 13-25, Luke 9:51-62 -- Frank Ramirez -- Proper 8 | Ordinary Time 13 - C -- 2016
I suppose if everyone decided to take literally this story where Jesus rebukes the man who wished to
Reasonable Expectations -- Hosea 11:1-11, Colossians 3:1-11, Luke 12:13-21 -- Frank Ramirez -- Proper 13 | Ordinary Time 18 - C -- 2016
Reasonable expectations -- they’re implicit in these scripture texts.
Seen and unseen: what really matters! -- Isaiah 1:1, 10-20, Hebrews 11:1-3, 8-16, Luke 12:32-40 -- Frank Ramirez -- Proper 14 | Ordinary Time 19 - C -- 2016
Thanks to the ubiquitous presence of smartphones that double as cameras, we have become almost --
Who are you really? -- Jeremiah 18:1-11, Philemon 1:1-21, Luke 14:25-33 -- Frank Ramirez -- Proper 18 | Ordinary Time 23 - C -- 2016
Under the guise of harshness, the prophet Jeremiah wants us to see in God’s earnest desire to get ou
Written in stone, written for the real world -- Jeremiah 31:27-34, 2 Timothy 3:14--4:5, Luke 18:1-8 -- Frank Ramirez -- Proper 24 | Ordinary Time 29 - C -- 2016
Paul talks about the importance of knowing scripture, its applicability to our lives -- yet remember
Spoiler alert! -- Joel 2:23-32, 2 Timothy 4:6-8, 16-18, Luke 18:9-14 -- Frank Ramirez -- Proper 25 | Ordinary Time 30 - C -- 2016
Nowadays movie reviewers, and let’s hope good friends, warn us with the term “spoiler alert” if they
How to live apocalyptically -- Isaiah 65:17-25, 2 Thessalonians 3:6-13, Luke 21:5-19 -- Frank Ramirez -- Proper 28 | Ordinary Time 33 - C -- 2016
In the first chapter of Acts, as the apostles stare into the sky where Jesus has ascended two figure
The real world -- Isaiah 9:2-7, Titus 2:11-14, Luke 2:1-14 (15-20) -- Frank Ramirez -- The Nativity of our Lord - A -- 2016
For some the story of Christmas is a fantasy set in an idealized world where pregnant women get to r
Thanking God for worries as well as blessings -- Joel 2:21-27, 1 Timothy 2:1-7, Matthew 6:25-33 -- Frank Ramirez -- Thanksgiving Day - B -- 2015
As folks bow their heads in prayers of thanksgiving, both in worship and at home, there is the tende
The well-traveled path of suffering -- Isaiah 50:4-9a, Philippians 2:5-11 -- Frank Ramirez -- Passion Sunday - B -- 2015
There is an exquisite tension on Palm Sunday, which is also known as Passion Sunday.
The lessons of Easter are meant for us -- Acts 3:12-19, 1 John 3:1-7, Luke 24:36b-48 -- Frank Ramirez -- Third Sunday of Easter - B -- 2015
Two of the Founding Fathers, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, were once fast friends, comrades in th
An Advocate to guide us -- Acts 2:1-21, Romans 8:22-27, John 15:26-27; 16:4b-15 -- Frank Ramirez -- Day of Pentecost - B -- 2015
Sooner or later most of us have the experience of getting behind the wheel for the first time.

Free Access

Encountering the holy -- Exodus 3:1-15, Romans 12:9-21, Matthew 16:21-28 -- Frank Ramirez -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - A -- 2017
In this week’s three scriptures we encounter the holy in different yet related ways, a reminder that
Dramatic Irony -- Joshua 24:1-3a, 14-25, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, Matthew 25:1-13 -- Frank Ramirez -- Proper 27 | Ordinary Time 32 - A -- 2017
Agatha Christie’s mystery play The Mousetrap opened in 1952, and it has been running longer



Emphasis Preaching Journal

Sermon Illustrations For Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 (2023) -- Genesis 29:15-28, Romans 8:26-39, Matthew 13:31-33, 44-52 -- Mark Ellingsen, Bill Thomas, Frank Ramirez, Bonnie Bates -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - A -- 2023
Genesis 29:15-28
Sermon Illustrations For Epiphany 3 (2023) -- Isaiah 9:1-4, 1 Corinthians 1:10-18, Matthew 4:12-23 -- Bonnie Bates, Bill Thomas, Mark Ellingsen, Frank Ramirez -- Epiphany 3 | Ordinary Time 3 - A -- 2023
Isaiah 9:1-4
Sermon Illustrations for Third Sunday of Advent (2023) -- Isaiah 61:1-4, 8-11, 1 Thessalonians 5:16-24, John 1:6-8, 19-28 -- Mark Ellingsen, Bill Thomas, Frank Ramirez, Bonnie Bates -- Third Sunday of Advent - B -- 2023
Isaiah 61:1-4, 8-11
Sermon Illustrations For Easter 6 (2023) -- Acts 17:22-31, 1 Peter 3:13-22, John 14:15-21 -- Frank Ramirez, Mark Ellingsen, Bonnie Bates, Bill Thomas -- Sixth Sunday of Easter - A -- 2023
Acts 17:22-31
Sermon Illustrations for Fourth Sunday of Advent (2023) -- 2 Samuel 7:1-11, 16, Romans 16:25-27, Luke 1:26-38 -- Mark Ellingsen, Bill Thomas, Frank Ramirez, Bonnie Bates -- Fourth Sunday of Advent - B -- 2023
2 Samuel 7:1-11,16
Sermon Illustrations For Epiphany 4 | OT 4 (2023) -- Micah 6:1-8, 1 Corinthians 1:18-31, Matthew 5:1-12 -- Bill Thomas, Mark Ellingsen, Frank Ramirez, Bonnie Bates -- Epiphany 4 | Ordinary Time 4 - A -- 2023
Micah 6:1-8
Sermon Illustrations for Christmas Day (2023) -- Isaiah 9:2-7, Psalm 96, Titus 2:11-14, Luke 2:1-14 (15-20) -- Frank Ramirez, Mark Ellingsen, Bonnie Bates, Bill Thomas -- The Nativity of our Lord - B -- 2023
Isaiah 9:2-7
Sermon Illustrations for Proper 13 | Ordinary Time 18 (2023) -- Genesis 32:22-31, Romans 9:1-5, Matthew 14:13-21 -- Mark Ellingsen, Frank Ramirez, Bill Thomas -- Proper 13 | Ordinary Time 18 - A -- 2023
Genesis 32:22-31
Sermon Illustrations for Christmas 1 (2023) -- Isaiah 61:10--62:3, Galatians 4:4-7, Luke 2:22-40 -- Bill Thomas, Bonnie Bates, Frank Ramirez, Mark Ellingsen -- First Sunday after Christmas Day - B -- 2023
Isaiah 61:10--62:3
Sermon Illustrations For Proper 14 | Ordinary Time 19 (2023) -- Genesis 37:1-4, 12-28, Romans 10:5-15, Matthew 14:22-33 -- Mark Ellingsen, Bonnie Bates, Bill Thomas, Frank Ramirez -- Proper 14 | Ordinary Time 19 - A -- 2023
Genesis 37:1-4, 12-28
Sermon Illustrations For Epiphany 5 (2023) -- Isaiah 58:1-9a (9b-12), 1 Corinthians 2:1-12 (13-16), Matthew 5:13-20 -- Bill Thomas, Mark Ellingsen, Bonnie Bates, Frank Ramirez -- Epiphany 5 | Ordinary Time 5 - A -- 2023
Isaiah 58:1-9a (9b-12)
Sermon Illustrations For Proper 15 | Ordinary Time 20 (2023) -- Genesis 45:1-15, Romans 11:1-2a, 29-32, Matthew 15:(10-20) 21-28 -- Bonnie Bates, Frank Ramirez, Mark Ellingsen, Bill Thomas -- Proper 15 | Ordinary Time 20 - A -- 2023
Genesis 45:1-15
Sermon Illustrations For Epiphany 6 | Ordinary Time 6 (2023) -- Deuteronomy 30:15-20, 1 Corinthians 3:1-9, Matthew 5:21-37 -- Mark Ellingsen, Bonnie Bates, Bill Thomas, Frank Ramirez -- Epiphany 6 | Ordinary Time 6 - A -- 2023
Deuteronomy 30:15-20
Sermon Illustrations For Proper 16 | Ordinary Time 21 (2023) -- Matthew 16:13-20, Exodus 1:8--2:10, Romans 12:1-8 -- Bill Thomas, Mark Ellingsen, Frank Ramirez -- Proper 16 | Ordinary Time 21 - A -- 2023
Exodus 1:8--2:10
Sermon Illustrations For Transfiguration Sunday (2023) -- Exodus 24:12-18, 2 Peter 1:16-21, Matthew 17:1-9 -- Bonnie Bates, Mark Ellingsen, Frank Ramirez, Bill Thomas -- Transfiguration Sunday - A -- 2023
Exodus 24:12-18
Sermon Illustrations for Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 (2023) -- Exodus 3:1-15, Romans 12:9-21, Matthew 16:21-28, Jeremiah 15:15-21, Psalm 26:1-8, Psalm 105:1-6, 23-26, 45b -- Frank Ramirez, Bill Thomas, Mark Ellingsen -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - A -- 2023
Exodus 3:1-15
Sermons Illustrations For Proper 18 | Ordinary Time 23 (2023) -- Exodus 12:1-14, Romans 13:8-14, Matthew 18:15-20 -- Mark Ellingsen, Bonnie Bates, Bill Thomas, Frank Ramirez -- Proper 18 | Ordinary Time 23 - A -- 2023
Exodus 12:1-14
Sermon Illustrations For Proper 19 | Ordinary Time 24 (2023) -- Exodus 14:19-31, Romans 14:1-12, Matthew 18:21-35 -- Frank Ramirez, Mark Ellingsen, Bill Thomas, Bonnie Bates -- Proper 19 | Ordinary Time 24 - A -- 2023
Exodus 14:19-31
Sermon Illustrations For Ash Wednesday (2023) -- Joel 2:1-2, 12-17, 2 Corinthians 5:20b--6:10, Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21, Isaiah 58:1-9a (9b-12) -- Mark Ellingsen, Bill Thomas, Bonnie Bates, Frank Ramirez -- Ash Wednesday - A -- 2023
Joel 2:1-2, 12-17
Sermon Illustrations For Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 (2023) -- Exodus 16:2-15, Philippians 1:21-30, Matthew 20:1-16 -- Mark Ellingsen, Bonnie Bates, Frank Ramirez, Bill Thomas -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - A -- 2023
Exodus 16:2-15
Sermon Illustrations For Lent 1 (2023) -- Genesis 2:15-17; 3:1-7, Romans 5:12-19, Matthew 4:1-11 -- Bonnie Bates, Frank Ramirez, Mark Ellingsen, Bill Thomas -- First Sunday in Lent - A -- 2023
Genesis 2:15-17, 3:1-7


Gave As Good As She Got -- John 4:5-42 -- Frank Ramirez -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 2023
Just then his disciples came.
Impostor Syndrome? -- Deuteronomy 34:1-12 -- Frank Ramirez -- Proper 25 | Ordinary Time 30 - A -- 2023
Never since has there arisen a prophet in Israel like Moses, whom the Lord knew face to face.
Sign Here -- Matthew 9:9-13, 18-26 -- Frank Ramirez -- Proper 5 | Ordinary Time 10 - A -- 2023
As Jesus was walking along, he saw a man called Matthew sitting at the tax-collection station….
Footwear and Foot Care -- John 13:1-7, 31b-35 -- Frank Ramirez -- Maundy Thursday - A -- 2023
(Jesus) poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples’ feet… (v. 5)




Free Access

Wrong Way Reitway -- John 1:6-8, 19-28, Psalm 126 -- John E. Sumwalt, Frank Ramirez -- Third Sunday of Advent - B -- 2020
Contents “Wrong Way Reitway” by John Sumwalt
The Principle of Paying Attention -- John 1:29-42, Psalm 40:1-11 -- C. David Mckirachan, Frank Ramirez -- Epiphany 2 | Ordinary Time 2 - A -- 2020
Contents “The Principle of Paying Attention” by C. David McKirachan
Yet to Come -- John 2:1-11, Psalm 36:5-10 -- Peter Andrew Smith, Frank Ramirez -- Epiphany 2 | Ordinary Time 2 - C -- 2019
Contents “Yet to Come” by Peter Andrew Smith
A Complaint Not A Lament -- Lamentations 1:1-6, 2 Timothy 1:1-14 -- Frank Ramirez, Peter Andrew Smith -- Proper 22 | Ordinary Time 27 - C -- 2019
Contents “A Complaint Not A Lament” by Frank Ramirez


Yet to Come -- John 2:1-11, Psalm 36:5-10 -- Peter Andrew Smith, Frank Ramirez -- Epiphany 2 | Ordinary Time 2 - C -- 2019
Contents “Yet to Come” by Peter Andrew Smith
Shining with Jesus -- Luke 9:28-36 (37-43a), Exodus 34:29-35 -- Peter Andrew Smith, Frank Ramirez -- Transfiguration Sunday - C -- 2019
Contents “Shining with Jesus” by C. David McKirachan
Founded on a Dream -- Luke 13:31-35, Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18, Philippians 3:17--4:1, Psalm 27 -- C. David Mckirachan, Frank Ramirez -- Second Sunday in Lent - C -- 2019
Contents “Founded on a Dream” by C. David McKirachan
Filled with Passion -- Luke 22:14--23:56, Psalm 31:9-16 -- Peter Andrew Smith, Frank Ramirez -- Passion Sunday - C -- 2019
Contents “Filled with Passion” by Peter Andrew Smith
This Doesn't Make Sense -- Acts 10:34-43, John 20:1-18, Psalm 118:1-2, Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24 -- C. David Mckirachan, Frank Ramirez -- Easter Day - C -- 2019
This Doesn’t Make Sense by C. David McKirachan
Crossing Barriers -- John 13:31-35, Acts 11:1-8 -- Frank Ramirez, Peter Andrew Smith -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C -- 2019
Contents "Crossing Barriers" by Frank Ramirez
Pay Attention -- Acts 16:16-34, Revelation 22:12-14, 16-17, 20-21, Psalm 97 -- C. David Mckirachan, Frank Ramirez -- Seventh Sunday of Easter - C -- 2019
Contents “Pay Attention” by C. David McKirachan
Keeping Your Eyes on Jesus -- Luke 9:51-62, 2 Kings 2:1-2, 6-14 -- Peter Andrew Smith, Frank Ramirez -- Proper 8 | Ordinary Time 13 - C -- 2019
Contents“Keeping Your Eyes on Jesus” by Peter Andrew Smith
Here Comes da Judge -- Amos 8:1-12, Luke 10:38-42 -- C. David Mckirachan, Frank Ramirez -- Proper 11 | Ordinary Time 16 - C -- 2019
Contents “Here Comes da Judge” by C. David McKirachan
A Cloud of Witnesses -- Hebrews 11:29--12:2, Isaiah 5:1-7 -- Peter Andrew Smith, Frank Ramirez -- Proper 15 | Ordinary Time 20 - C -- 2019
Contents “A Cloud of Witnesses” by Peter Andrew Smith
Is There Hope? -- Jeremiah 18:1-11, Philemon 1:1-21, Psalm 1 -- C. David Mckirachan, Frank Ramirez -- Proper 18 | Ordinary Time 23 - C -- 2019
Contents “Is There Hope?” by C. David McKirachan
A Complaint Not A Lament -- Lamentations 1:1-6, 2 Timothy 1:1-14 -- Frank Ramirez, Peter Andrew Smith -- Proper 22 | Ordinary Time 27 - C -- 2019
Contents “A Complaint Not A Lament” by Frank Ramirez
The Days Will Come -- Isaiah 65:17-25, Luke 21:5-19 -- Peter Andrew Smith, Frank Ramirez -- Proper 28 | Ordinary Time 33 - C -- 2019
Contents “The Days Will Come” by Peter Andrew Smith
The Days Will Come -- Luke 21:5-19, Isaiah 65:17-25 -- Peter Andrew Smith, Frank Ramirez -- Thanksgiving Day - C -- 2019
Contents “The Days Will Come” by Peter Andrew Smith
A Life-Saving Monkey -- Matthew 2:13-23 -- Frank Ramirez -- First Sunday after Christmas Day - A -- 2019
"Get up, take the child and his mother, and flee to Egypt, and remain there until I tell you; fo
Mom -- Mark 13:1-8, 1 Samuel 1:4-20, Hebrews 10:11-14 (15-18) 19-25, 1 Samuel 2:1-10 -- C. David Mckirachan, Frank Ramirez -- Proper 28 | Ordinary Time 33 - B -- 2018
Contents “Mom” by C. David McKirachan
These People Marvel at the Star -- Luke 21:25-36, Jeremiah 33:14-16, 1 Thessalonians 3:9-13, Psalm 25:1-10 -- Frank Ramirez, C. David Mckirachan -- First Sunday of Advent - C -- 2018
Contents “These People Marvel at the Star” by Frank Ramirez
Seeing the Future -- Luke 2:1-14 (15-20), Isaiah 9:2-7, Titus 2:11-14, Psalm 96 -- Peter Andrew Smith, Frank Ramirez -- The Nativity of our Lord - C -- 2018
Contents “Seeing the Future” by Peter Andrew Smith
Building in Love -- 1 Corinthians 8:1-13, Deuteronomy 18:15-20 -- Peter Andrew Smith, Frank Ramirez -- Epiphany 4 | Ordinary Time 4 - B -- 2018
Contents "Building in Love" by Peter Andrew Smith
An Acceptable Time To Open Our Eyes -- Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21, Joel 2:1-2, 12-17, 2 Corinthians 5:20b--6:10, Psalm 51:1-17 -- Frank Ramirez, C. David Mckirachan -- Ash Wednesday - B -- 2018
Contents "An Acceptable Time To Open Our Eyes" by Frank Ramirez
Raised Up -- John 3:14-21, Numbers 21:4-9, Ephesians 2:1-10, Psalm 107:1-3, 17-22 -- Peter Andrew Smith, Frank Ramirez -- Fourth Sunday in Lent - B -- 2018
Contents “Raised Up” by Peter Andrew Smith



First Sunday In Lent -- Romans 10:8b-13 -- Frank Ramirez -- First Sunday in Lent - C -- 2006
Second Lesson: Romans 10:8b-13Theme: The Word Is Near You
Fifth Sunday After The Epiphany -- Isaiah 6:1-8 (9-13) -- Frank Ramirez -- Epiphany 5 | Ordinary Time 5 - C -- 2006
First Lesson: Isaiah 6:1-8 (9-13)Theme: There Must Be Some Mistake
Proper 24/Ordinary Time 29 -- 2 Timothy 3:14--4:5 -- Frank Ramirez -- Proper 24 | Ordinary Time 29 - C -- 2006
Second Lesson: 2 Timothy 3:14--4:5Theme: The Other 3:16
Third Sunday Of Advent -- Philippians 4:4-7 -- Frank Ramirez -- Third Sunday of Advent - C -- 2006
Second Lesson: Philippians 4:4-7Theme: Say It Again!
I'm That Certain -- Hebrews 11:1-3, 8-16 -- Frank Ramirez -- Proper 14 | Ordinary Time 19 - C -- 2006
Second Lesson: Hebrews 11:1-3, 8-16Theme: I'm That Certain
What Must We Do To Be Saved? -- Acts 16:16-34 -- Frank Ramirez -- Seventh Sunday of Easter - C -- 2006
Call To Worship
Proper 8/Ordinary Time 13 -- 2 Kings 2:1-2, 6-14 -- Frank Ramirez -- Proper 8 | Ordinary Time 13 - C -- 2006
First Lesson: 2 Kings 2:1-2, 6-14Theme: Take Up The Mantle
Fourth Sunday Of Easter -- John 10:22-30 -- Frank Ramirez -- Fourth Sunday of Easter - C -- 2006
Gospel Lesson: John 10:22-30Theme: I Know This Guy!
First Sunday In Lent -- Luke 4:1-13 -- Frank Ramirez -- First Sunday in Lent - C -- 2006
Gospel Lesson: Luke 4:1-13Theme: Satan's Best Shot
Fifth Sunday After The Epiphany -- 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 -- Frank Ramirez -- Epiphany 5 | Ordinary Time 5 - C -- 2006
Second Lesson: 1 Corinthians 15:1-11Theme: I Will Explain It Slowly
Proper 24/Ordinary Time 29 -- Luke 18:1-8 -- Frank Ramirez -- Proper 24 | Ordinary Time 29 - C -- 2006
Gospel Lesson: Luke 18:1-8Theme: Don't Give Up So Easily
Third Sunday Of Advent -- Luke 3:7-18 -- Frank Ramirez -- Third Sunday of Advent - C -- 2006
Gospel Lesson: Luke 3:7-18Theme: Fruits Worthy Of Repentance
Proper 12/Ordinary Time 17 -- Colossians 2:6-15 (16-19) -- Frank Ramirez -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 2006
Second Lesson: Colossians 2:6-15 (16-19)Theme: Debt Relief
Proper 8/Ordinary Time 13 -- Galatians 5:1, 13-25 -- Frank Ramirez -- Proper 8 | Ordinary Time 13 - C -- 2006
Second Lesson: Galatians 5:1, 13-25
The Transfiguration Of Our Lord -- Luke 9:28-36 (37-43a) -- Frank Ramirez -- Transfiguration Sunday - C -- 2006
Gospel Lesson: Luke 9:28-36 (37-43)Theme: Is That Really You?
Second Sunday In Lent -- Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18 -- Frank Ramirez -- Second Sunday in Lent - C -- 2006
First Lesson: Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18Theme: Just In Case You Forget ...
Fifth Sunday After The Epiphany -- Luke 5:1-11 -- Frank Ramirez -- Epiphany 5 | Ordinary Time 5 - C -- 2006
Gospel Lesson: Luke 5:1-11Theme: Big Fish, Big Pond
Proper 25/Ordinary Time 30 -- Joel 2:23-32 -- Frank Ramirez -- Proper 25 | Ordinary Time 30 - C -- 2006
First Lesson: Joel 2:23-32Theme: God's Spirit On All
Fourth Sunday Of Advent -- Micah 5:2-5a -- Frank Ramirez -- Fourth Sunday of Advent - C -- 2006
First Lesson: Micah 5:2-5aTheme: Can So
Proper 14/Ordinary Time 19 -- Luke 12:32-40 -- Frank Ramirez -- Proper 14 | Ordinary Time 19 - C -- 2006
Gospel Lesson: Luke 12:32-40Theme: Finding Your Heart
Proper 8/Ordinary Time 13 -- Luke 9:51-62 -- Frank Ramirez -- Proper 8 | Ordinary Time 13 - C -- 2006
Gospel Lesson: Luke 9:51-62Theme: Single Minded, Single Purpose
Second Sunday Of Easter -- Revelation 1:4b-8, Revelation 1:4-8 -- Frank Ramirez -- Second Sunday of Easter - C -- 2006
Second Lesson: Revelation 1:4-8Theme: Will The Real Jesus Please Stand Up!
Second Sunday In Lent -- Philippians 3:17--4:1 -- Frank Ramirez -- Second Sunday in Lent - C -- 2006
Second Lesson: Philippians 3:17--4:1Theme: Your Belly Or Your Life
Sixth Sunday After The Epiphany -- Jeremiah 17:5-10 -- Frank Ramirez -- Epiphany 6 | Ordinary Time 6 - C -- 2006
First Lesson: Jeremiah 17:5-10Theme: Heavenly Horticulture
Proper 25/Ordinary Time 30 -- 2 Timothy 4:6-8, 16-18 -- Frank Ramirez -- Proper 25 | Ordinary Time 30 - C -- 2006
Second Lesson: 2 Timothy 4:6-8, 16-18Theme: Finish Line
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New & Featured This Week


John Jamison
Object: Fancy, dark sunglasses like a famous person might wear.

* * *

Hello, everyone! (Let them respond.) Are you ready for our story today? (Let them respond.) Excellent!

The Immediate Word

Mary Austin
Dean Feldmeyer
Christopher Keating
Thomas Willadsen
George Reed
Katy Stenta
For September 8, 2024:

Emphasis Preaching Journal

David Coffin
In many church circles, the cry goes out for, “We need good leadership!” Growing pressure is placed on clergy with the declining worship attendance and financial giving as well as lack of volunteers has gone on for decades in many churches. Both church leaders and often judicatories suggest that good leaders are needed. They even redefine pastoral seminary training programs into “leadership development, fund for leaders, formation for spiritual leaders etc.” All of today’s text texts suggest that maybe there needs to be leadership from the grassroots membership in the form of mentors.
Bonnie Bates
Mark Ellingsen
Frank Ramirez
Bill Thomas
Proverbs 22: 1-2, 8-9, 22-23
Riches aren’t important. This set of verses from the Proverbs reminds us that there are more important things than riches. Reputation or a good name is more important than having a lot of money. Both the poor and the rich have this in common. That being said, hoarding wealth isn’t good, but having enough to live on is important. In a nation that prides itself on each citizen “pulling themselves up by their bootstraps” it seems a foreign idea that we should ensure that everyone has enough.


John E. Sumwalt
Listen, my beloved brothers and sisters. Has not God chosen the poor in the world to be rich in faith and to be heirs of the kingdom that he has promised to those who love him? (v. 5)

The Village Shepherd

Janice B. Scott
Call to Worship:

When Jesus entered a house, he didn't want anyone to know he was there. Yet he couldn't escape notice, and people flocked to him. Let us too come to him today and receive his blessings and his healing touch.

Invitation to Confession:

Jesus, sometimes we don't notice you.
Lord, have mercy.

Jesus, sometimes we fail to be aware of your amazing power.
Christ, have mercy.


Constance Berg
Marsha and Richard had a beautiful home on a wooded lot just outside the suburbs. They worked hard to keep it to their standards and they entertained often. A large staff maintained the grounds and the house. Everything ran quite smoothly.

Marsha was a director of a hospice agency; Richard was the president of a prestigious bank. They had a comfortable life although they didn't spend much time in their home. They preferred to be on the go.
Mark Ellingsen
Theme of the Day
God cares for the poor.

Collect of the Day
After praising God for transforming sickness into health and death into life, petitions are offered that the faithful be opened to the power of His presence so they are ready to proclaim God's promises to the world. Providence and Evangelism are the dominant themes.

Psalm of the Day
Psalm 125
* A Song of Ascent (Pilgrims' Song), praying for deliverance from national enemies. This is a group lament.
Schuyler Rhodes
There is a well-worn axiom that warns against mixing religion and politics. It was probably devised in an attempt to help smooth the rough places in some of those long holiday dinners with seldom-seen relatives. Keep the conversation polite, vague, and unchallenging. That way, all parties can stay through the dessert course and get home in one piece. In truth, there is wisdom in such an unwritten law. However, a serious people of faith must contend with the time after dinner when the relatives have dispersed and it's back to business as usual.
Stan Purdum
Picture this: You are on your way to the airport to catch a flight to a wedding where you are in the wedding party only to become stuck in traffic. When you finally get to the airport, you have only minutes left to check in. Unfortunately, there's a long line at the airline desk and you know there is no hope of getting to the front of the line in time. Do you:

A. give up and say, "Oh well, they'll just have to go on without me"?

B. march up to the front of the line, push people out of the way and say, "Get out of the way. I'm going first"?

Charles And Donna Cammarata
Call To Worship
From Psalm 125.
Leader: Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion,
People: Which cannot be shaken and endures forever.
Leader: As the mountains surround Jerusalem,
People: So the Lord surrounds his people.
Leader: The power of evil will not control the people of righteousness,
People: For God will do good to the upright,
Leader: And those who turn away from God
People: Will be banished.
Leader: So evil will be overrun,
John H. Will
Call to Worship
Let us open our eyes -
To the wonder of God's goodness, God's love that fills this universe.
Let us open our ears -
To the wisdom of God's Word, the guidance it offers to life's journey.
Let us open our mouths -
To sound forth praise, the good news of redemption and release.
So let our worship be a full participation of self.
So let this company of God's people rejoice.


Special Occasion

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